Hey everyone and welcome to Human Psychology today we were going to learn about 10 things mentally strong people don't do now let's begin..
1. Pity your problems in life- You'll face many challenges you may come up short you may feel embarrassed and frustrated you may wish you could magically change the world but you can't.No matter how hard you wish for it your problems will never go away in the blink of an eye don't waste anymore time wishing life for different don't spend another minute feeling sorry for yourself if there's one thing that mentally strong people don't do it's wallow in self pity when you pity yourself you're throwing your energy down the drain you're wasting time that could have been spent on something productive something that may change your life for the better that's the big difference between people who are weak and people who are strong weak people wish for the world to change and then the pity themselves when it doesn't strong people take the world by the horns and change their life for the better.
2. Live in the past- Your experiences are invaluable they teach you lifelong lessons they remind you of what it means to succeed they prove to you that you have more power than you think you do but they're not always uplifting sometimes experiences show you the kind of life you never want to live sometimes experiences leave you broken and helpless but mentally strong people know that the past does not predict the future mentally strong people learn from the past but they let history be history you cannot change something that's already happened it doesn't matter how frustrating or disappointing it was the past will always be the past all you can do now is look forward and create a future that motivates fulfills and inspires you.
3. Surrender your power- Who controls your life your family your boss your environment the answer is none of the above the only person who has power over you is you the only person who can control your life is you so many weeks people give away their power they pretend like their life is not in their own hands but it is all right let's say you don't like something about yourself maybe you're too negative or too nervous you could say my friends make me negative for the expectations of others make me nervous but your friends don't control your mindset other people don't moderate your nerves you decide these things yourself mentally strong people don't blame other people for their problems they take responsibility for their issues and the owner problems which empowers them to find a solution.
4. Friendly envy- Have you ever felt envious of a friend all right let's say you and your friend work in the same field for a long time you've been employed at the same level but one day your friend gets a promotion and you don't you see your friends succeeding and you feel envious you start to resent their success you feel bitter and under appreciated you may lash out at your friend all because you're envious of their achievements mentally strong people never do this because N. B. hold you back you start wishing you were living a different life you start pining for things that will not make you happy your mind becomes clouded by envy and you lose focus on your own aspirations instead of feeling envious root for and support your friends because their success doesn't take away from your own each person including you has their own definition of success each person walks a different path at a different time in their life your friend may walk that path earlier than you but that doesn't mean they're better stronger or more deserving of success so don't fall down this rabbit hole don't invite your friends achievements instead focus on your own goals solidify your own definition of success and in the end it doesn't matter how you stack up against other people all that matters is your own personal growth.
5. Run from silence- When was the last time you were alone I mean truly alone not with your friends not with your dog not with your phone your TV or your laptop when was the last time you enjoyed nothing but your own company. It's a hard question for many people to answer you may crowd your time with activities and distractions you may rarely spend time alone you may never sit quietly in silence. Why is that because empty space makes you uncomfortable you don't know what to do with yourself when there's nothing to distract you you start to worry and overthink you feel bored restless and lonely so you find an activity to fill that hole in your life but mentally strong people value their time alone when you're alone you get a rare opportunity to spend time with yourself you can talk to yourself you can reflect on your life in these quiet moments you learn to be more comfortable with who you are and that strength in your mind. Mentally strong people make time to be alone every day and during that time they get in touch with themselves they work through nerves and doubts they think about their goals and they make sure they're headed in the right direction but it does take time and practice to get comfortable with yourself and miss out as that sounds few people are confident enough to sit in silence at first you'll crave a distraction you may stare at the clock waiting for the silence to end but silence is not an empty space you need to fill it's a gift you've been overlooking so embrace the silent moments I learning to be alone.
6. Betray your values- Values are never easy to uphold throughout your life you'll face ethical dilemmas that challenge your beliefs you'll feel tempted to change the way you think you'll meet people who overturn your opinions and open up your mind when their values are challenged week people either close their ears or compromise their ideals but mentally strong people don't do either one they have the courage to stand up for their values but they also have the confidence to challenge their own beliefs sometimes were rights sometimes were wrong sometimes we discover that our values are not what we thought mentally strong people know that change is good as long as you think for yourself.
7. Neglect your gifts- Do you take the small things in life for granted most people overlook the simple blessings that crossed their path every day they ignore the calm of a glowing sun rise they rush through tasty filling meals and they turn out their loved ones but all this rushing and the glass creates mental weakness your brain loses track of what's important to you it becomes preoccupied by the negative frustrating things in your life you think about stress you think about expectations and responsibility you think about disappointment conflict and failure but mentally strong people pay attention to their gifts every day they concentrate on the small things that make life worth living the cozy smell of coffee in the morning the warmth of a hot shower the cool breeze blowing outside your doorstep these small insignificant details go unrecognized and unnoticed mentally strong people stop to smell the roses they practice gratitude every day and they appreciate life is more than just a ball of stress.
8. Wait for wins- The best things in life takes time but most people aren't willing to wait they rush toward the end and then give up when things don't happen right away let's say you've always dreamt of playing instruments one day you decide to buy a guitar you look up videos learn from the pros in your practice your skills you played every day for a week but soon you realize that you're not very good you expected to be playing songs in no time but now you feel like a failure so if you lose interest and you move on mentally strong people know that every dream takes a long time if it was quick and easy it wouldn't be worth doing whether you want to play an instrument write a book or start a company you need to be patient and you need to persevere because impatience is the reason most people never accomplish their dreams impatience is the reason most goals fade into the background if you have a dream stay strong no matter how long it takes eventually we'll get there it may take weeks months or years but you will get there.
9. Escape to comfort- What do you do when you're uncomfortable you give up where do you push harder let's say you're running a race you're halfway through but your legs are getting tired you power through the pain or do you give up in life week people surrender when things get uncomfortable when they're thrown outside their bubble they panic they lose confidence and they throw up their hands mentally strong people persevere even if they're flailing like a fish out of water even if they're tired and confused because discomfort today is comfort tomorrow.
10. Limit your potential- Do you undermine your own potential do you hold yourself back people who are mentally weak lose faith in themselves when a challenge comes their way they assume they're going to fail so they never even try mentally strong people believe in their own potential they encourage themselves to rise to the occasion to surpassed their own expectations and fly on their limits because that's how you grow and succeed you improved by taking risks confronting failure and most of all believing in yourself.