Addiction- Causes , Symptoms, Myths , Treatment


What is Addiction?

Addiction is a complex condition, exhibiting a compulsive chronic physiological or psychological need for habit forming substances , behavior or activity.
In simple words, Addiction is an urge to do something that is hard to control or stop.If you use a cigarette alcohol or even a non- alcoholic beverages which you can not control.

Causes of Addiction

There are many cause of addiction some of the causes are:
  1. Depression and mental illness
  2. history of treasure
  3. Stress and inability to cope
  4. Low Self - esteem
  5. Social Pressure
  6. Lack of communication

Symptoms of Addiction

Physical sign of addiction

  1. Over active or Under active
  2. Repetitive speed pattern
  3. Look pale and undernourished
  4. Weight Loss
  5. Change in eating habits
  6. Unusual odors or body odors due to lack of personal hygiene

Behavioral sign of Addiction

  1. Disrupted sleep pattern
  2. Relationship Problems
  3. Financial Problem
  4. Isolating/secretive about activities
  5. Like to be alone

Emotional Sign of Addiction

  1. Irritability
  2. Defensiveness
  3. Inability to deal with stress
  4. Loss of interest in activities
  5. Confused easily
  6. Blaming people

Myths of Addiction

Unfortunately there are list of misconception, lies and myths about addiction spread over internet
  1. Overcoming addiction is a matter of willpower. You can stop using drug or any addiction if you really want
  2. Addiction is a disease, there is nothing that can be done about it
  3. Addiction have to it rock bottom before they get better
  4. Addiction mostly affects only certain type of people
  5. People with addiction are bad and need to be punished
  6. Addiction is treated behaviorally , so it must be a behavioral pattern not a disease

Treatment of Addiction

  1. Detoxification- Detoxification is usually the first phase of treatment. It involves cleaning a substance from the body and limiting withdrawal reactions.
  2. Counselling and behavioral therapy- It is the most common treatment after detoxification.Therapy can be on a one-to-one, group or family basis, depending on the individual's needs. It usually intensifies at the beginning of treatment with the number of sessions, gradually decreasing as symptoms improve over time.
  3. Rehabilitation Program- Longer-term treatment programs for substance-related and addictive disorders can be highly effective and typically focus on remaining drug-free and resuming function within social, professional, and family responsibilities.
  4. Self help group- These may help the recovering individual meet others with the same addictive disorder which often boosts motivation and reduces feelings of isolation. They can also serve as a useful source of education, community, and information.

Psychological process of Addiction

  1. Addiction is a process that develop - According to the model, addiction develops through a process. The first stage of this process is taking up the "appetite" behavior. This typically starts in the teenage years, when most people start being exposed to the activities which can become addictive.
  2. Mood Enhancement - Once people have taken up or tried addictive behaviors, they discover that these behaviors are powerful "mood modifiers." This means that when a person engages in addictive behavior, they experience pleasure or euphoria. Through addictive behaviors, people can make themselves feel better, at least during the early stages of the addiction process.
  3. Social Factor - This process of managing mood and feelings takes place in social and cultural situations that also influence whether the individual person develops an addiction. The availability and affordability of substances and their use by friends and family strongly predict whether people will go on to develop addictions, although people who do become addicted still tend to see their addiction as being primarily a personal choice.
  4. Learned Association - Once people have taken up the behavior and discover they can use it to make themselves feel better, associations develop between the behavior and the states of mind and feeling that the person desires. These associations develop along neurological, brain pathways, and become automatic. Cues that remind the person of the behavior can trigger the desire and then the seeking out of the behavior.
  5. Attachment and Commitment - Over time, people who become addicted become more and more attached to the addictive behavior, and more and more committed to engaging in the behavior. This higher level of attachment can lead to new ways of engaging in the behavior to increase the effects, such as injecting drugs, or binge eating, leading to the letting go of the usual restraints around the behavior that keep most people in check.

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