Hello everyone everyone in the world experiences so many things every day they all have different perspectives and ideas with which they experience life. People comprehend life differently through various filters and this is subject to a large extent on the levels of consciousness in which a person is functioning. The higher you fasten the levels of consciousness the brighter and better you realize how the world operates and how best to live in the different levels of consciousness lead to the path of awakening.
In today's blog I'm going to reveal to you 7 levels of consciousness that will make your journey towards enlightenment a lot easier.
1. Waking consciousness this can be seen as the state in which every human goes through every day. This is the level of consciousness in which you are aware and can control your emotions and actions. This day comprises your memories thoughts feelings and all the information gathered by all the senses of your body. Waking consciousness is what you experience when you are fully awake from your sleep. Once you wake up you pass into waking consciousness in this state of consciousness your present thoughts feelings everything you think of about your life and experience on any subject are all found during this state of consciousness in this state you will always have activity in your mind into this level of consciousness helps you process be advanced through your day it is the most natural state of consciousness that you engage in.
2. Unconscious state deep sleep. The mines progression can find this level of consciousness that a person is not aware of in this state of consciousness. The human body is always at a sheer tranquil and restful point and you are unconscious that is your lack of knowledge of what is going on in the physical or waking world. What you experience here is the lack of information or memories you can't control what happens and what shouldn't happen in this state because when you were in a deep sleep you were in the state beyond your memories and experiences. It is at this level of consciousness that dysfunction occurs this is what habits and processes that influence your behavior either positively or negatively exist without even your awareness. This is also the state of consciousness that houses repressed emotions and thinking it might also interest you to know that the unconscious level of consciousness takes up the most significant part of your consciousness it deals with the eye. Finally the super ego which links up with morality is the enforcer and holder of rules it is the super ego that checkmates the eagle from doing something that it would have prompted you to do all these activities take place at the unconscious level of consciousness.
3. Sub conscious state or dream state. This is the state of consciousness recognized by momentary and abstract experiences of dreams the information gathered in this level of consciousness is only remembered in bits and most times this state of consciousness only happens when you don't expect it. It occurs typically like a short dream or a trance. The realism of this experience sometimes feels quite real it can also be called the sub conscious state of mind and they can be trained as its level of strength differs from person to person in this particular state all the information you have but are presently not making use of it stored in this level of consciousness until they are needed. For example as you watch videos you may have other materials all references on this particular subject that you don't need at this specific moment therefore these materials and recommendations are kept away in the sub conscious state and taken away from your conscious state which is why you are always able to recall when you need something that you are not currently using this level of consciousness deals with the information and ideas that you will need at some point but not at this very moment.
4. Transcendental consciousness. This state of consciousness is achieved out of practice and development of the sub conscious state it often involves the silencing of all human senses while still being fully conscious. This state of consciousness helps you to silence yourself from all the senses problems and overwhelming demand of the mind. This level of consciousness is a powerful tool in the pursuit of enlightenment and spiritual awakening by being able to quiet all the senses of the mind and body you are free to connect with the spirit undisturbed.
5. Cosmic consciousness. This particular state of consciousness is also known as the dissociation of consciousness is eagle level this is another level of psychological consciousness when you begin to realize that what you actually thought was your personality is not you know that you are much bigger and more significant than what you have do you think or the role you take part in the world. In this state you begin to connect more with the spiritual while still living in the conscious world your previous cares and needs start to fade off when you obtain this state of consciousness and the same thing goes for your fears and problems.
6. God consciousness. This state is also described as the state of complete bliss when you take on this state of consciousness you begin to feel warmth and connection with everything around you and your view of things changes you see things more positively and your perception of everything is done through love and joy because your heart is full and open your mind becomes like a glowing light and the only thing you see in people is the pure radiation of love you no longer see people differently but everyone has one energy flowing within them in different forms.
7. Unity consciousness This state of consciousness can also be seen as the full awakening and this state is seen as never ending because it is always unfolding in the unity of consciousness everyone that is myself is a self involved there is only one self one discovers that which was once enter is all incorporating everything which is in me is myself there is no other.
Well guys what did you think of this blog I hope you enjoyed my explanation I'm sure this little understanding will help you toward your journey of enlightenment please don't hesitate to share your thoughts and experiences in the comments section below.